How it works

Investing is simple

Choose a business you like

Check out the investors section of our website to see the available opportunities. Remember these update all the time.

You can also sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date.

Research the company

Read through the campaign page and documents a campaign has provided. These are great resources to understand what the company is all about and how you can invest.

Set up your profile

We ask a handful of questions to better understand your investment profile and ensure any investment you make accomplishes your goals.

Fund your investment

We offer a range of funding methods with easy to use digital options so you can get your investment funded within seconds!

Sign the documents

The moment you've funded your investment you'll be asked to sign the document that finalizes your investment in the opportunity.

Learn more via our podcasts

Listen into the people behind our opportunities and industry experts.

Check out our due diligence

Every opportunity on our platform goes through extensive due diligence.

Browse amazing companies

Check out the amazing opportunities you could invest in today.